Cabo Ortegal complex high-P high-T units bibliography

by Marco A. Lopez-Sanchez

The following compilation is a comprehensive list of sources relating to the high pressure high temperature units of the Cabo Ortegal Complex (a.k.a. the Upper Tectonic Unit). It is arranged chronologically and divided into 5 different sections. The studies have different tags to facilitate the search by topic/keyword.

If you find a missing study or an error/typo, open an issue here or send me an email and I will update the reference list.

Acknowledgements. We thank Sergio Llana-Fúnez, Romain Tilhac, José Ignacio Gil Ibarguchi and Benito Ábalos for their contributions and corrections.

Regular papers (1961-today)


den Tex, E. 1961. Some preliminary results of petrological work in Galicia (N.W. Spain). Leidse Geologische Mededelingen, 26(1), 75–91.

den Tex, E., Vogel, D.E., 1962. A “Granulitgebirge” at Cabo Ortegal (N.W. Spain). Geol Rundsch 52, 95–112.

Vogel, D. E. 1967. Petrology of an eclogite- and pyrigarnite-bearing polymetamorphic rock complex at Cabo Ortegal, NW Spain. Leidse Geologische Mededelingen, 40(1), 121–213.


Vogel, D.E., Garlick, G.D., 1970. Oxygen-isotope ratios in metamorphic eclogites. Contr. Mineral. and Petrol. 28, 183–191. eclogites, oxigen-isotope

Maaskant, P. 1970. Chemical petrology of polymetamorphic ultramafic rocks from Galicia, NW Spain. Leidse Geologische Mededelingen, 45(1), 237–281.

Engels, J.P., 1972. The catazonal poly-metamorphic rocks of Cabo Ortegal (NW Spain), a structural and petrofabric study. Leidse Geologische Mededelingen 48, 83–133. CPO

van Calsteren, P.W.C., 1977. A mantle-plume–model interpretation for the Paleozoic geology of Galicia with emphasis on the Cabo Ortegal area (NW Spain). Proceedings Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Series B, Physical Sciences, v. 80, no. 3, p. 156–178

van Calsteren, P.W.C., 1978. Geochronological, geochemical and geophysical investigations in the high-grade mafic-ultramafic complex at Cabo Ortegal and other pre-existing elements in the Hercynian basement of Galicia (NW Spain). Leidse Geologische Mededelingen 51, 57–61.

van Calsteren, P.W.C., 1978. Geochemistry of the polymetamorphic mafic-ultramafic complex at Cabo Ortegal (NW Spain). Lithos 11, 61–72. geochemistry

van Calsteren, P.W.C., Boelrijk, N.A.I.M., Hebeda, E.H., Priem, H.N.A., den Tex, E., Verdurmen, E.A.T., Verschure, R.H., 1979. Isotopic dating of older elements (including the Cabo Ortegal mafic-ultramafic complex) in the Hercynian orogen of NW Spain: Manifestations of a presumed Early Paleozoic mantle-plume. Chemical Geology 24, 35–56. isotopic dating


Drury, S. A., 1980. The geochemistry of high-pressure gneisses from Cabo Ortega! (NW Spain): residues of deep anatexis. Geol. Mijnbouw 59, 61-64. high-P granulites, geochemistry

Bernard-Griffiths, J., Peucat, J.-J., Cornichet, J., Iglésias Ponce de Léon, M., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 1985. Pb, Nd Isotope and REE geochemistry in eclogites from the Cabo Ortegal Complex, Galicia, Spain: An example of REE immobility conserving MORB-like patterns during high-grade metamorphism. Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience section 52, 217–225. eclogites, geochemistry

Vogel, D.E., 1984. Cabo Ortegal, mantle plume or double klippe? Geologie en mijnbouw 63 (2), 131-140

Kuijper, R.P., Vogel, D.E., Den Tex, E., 1985. Eclogite-plagiopyrigarnite relations in the catazonal complexes of northwest Spain. Chemical Geology 50, 163–171. eclogites, pyrigarnites

Aparicio, A., Sánchez Cela, V., Cacho, L. E., 1987. Petrological and geochemical considerations on the Cabo Ortegal complex (NW Spain). Revista Academia Ciencias Zaragoza, 42 , 131-162.

Girardeau, J., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Jamaa, N.B., 1989. Evidence for a Heterogeneous Upper Mantle in the Cabo Ortegal Complex, Spain. Science 245, 1231–1233. mantle, peridotite, pyroxenite

Aparicio, A., Borshevsky, N., Novitsky, I., Sánchez Cela, V., 1989. O18 values of plutonic-metamorphic series at Cabo Ortegal (Northwestern Spain): petrogenetic implications. Revista Academia Ciencias Zaragoza, 44, 4183-197.


Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Mendia, M., Girardeau, J., Peucat, J.J., 1990. Petrology of eclogites and clinopyroxene-garnet metabasites from the Cabo Ortegal Complex (northwestern Spain). Lithos 25, 133–162. eclogites, high-P granulites, petrology

Peucat, J.J., Bernard-Griffiths, J., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Dallmeyer, R.D., Menot, R.P., Cornichet, J., Iglesias Ponce de León, M., 1990. Geochemical and geochronological cross section of the deep Variscan crust: The Cabo Ortegal high-pressure nappe (northwestern Spain). Tectonophysics 177, 263–292. geochemistry, dating

Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Mendia, M., Girardeau, J., 1991. Mg- and Cr-rich staurolite and Cr-rich kyanite in high-pressure ultrabasic rocks (Cabo Ortegal, northwestern Spain). American Mineralogist 76 (3-4): 501–511. Ky-bearing eclogites

Girardeau, J., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 1991. Pyroxenite-Rich Peridotites of the Cabo Ortegal Complex (Northwestern Spain): Evidence for Large-Scale Upper-Mantle Heterogeneity. Journal of Petrology Special Volume, 135–154. mantle, peridotite, pyroxenite, geochemistry

Madon, M. Gil Ibarguchi, J.I. Via, J. Girardeau, J. 1991. Characterization and thermodynamic properties of andradite, Ca3Fe2Si3O12. American Mineralogist 76, 1249–1260 pyroxenites, andradite

Schäfer H.J., Gebauer D., Gil Ibarguchi J.I., Peucat J.J., 1993. Ion-microprobe U-Pb zircon dating on the HP/HT Cabo Ortegal Complex (Galicia, NW Spain): preliminary results. Terra Abstracts, 5, 4, 22. isotopic dating

Ábalos, B., Mendía, M., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 1994. Structure of the Cabo Ortegal eclogite-facies zone (NW Iberia). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 319, 1231-1238. eclogite, thermobarometry

Ábalos, B., Azcárraga, J., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Mendía, M.S., Santos Zalduegui, J.S., 1996. Flow Stress, strain rate and effective viscosity evaluation in a high‐presssure metamorphic nappe (Cabo Ortegal, Spain). Journal Metamorphic Geology 14, 227–248. deformation, CPO, tectonic model

Santos Zalduegui, J.F., Schärer, U., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Girardeau, J., 1996. Origin and evolution of the Paleozoic Cabo Ortegal ultramafic-mafic complex (NW Spain): U-Pb, Rb-Sr and Pb-Pb isotope data. Chemical Geology 129, 281–304. mantle, dating

Ordóñez Casado, B.; Gebauer, D.; Schafer, H. J.; Gil Ibarguchi, J.I.; Peucat, J. J., 1996. A single subduction event at ca. 392 Ma for the ultramafic-mafic HP/HT-rocks of the Cabo OrtegaI Complex. Geogaceta, 20, 2, 489-490. dating

Ábalos, B., 1997. Omphacite fabric variation in the Cabo Ortegal eclogite (NW Spain): relationships with strain symmetry during high-pressure deformation. Journal of Structural Geology 19, 621–637. eclogites, deformation, CPO

Galán, G., Marcos, A., 1997. Geochemical evolution of high-pressure mafic granulites from the Bacariza formation (Cabo Ortegal complex, NW Spain): an example of a heterogeneous lower crust. Geologische Rundschau 86, 539–555. high-P granulites, Bacariza granulites, petrology

Abalos, B., Aranguren, A., 1998. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of eclogites: mineralogical origin and correlation with the tectonic fabric (Cabo Ortegal, Spain). Geodinamica Acta 11, 271–283.

Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Ábalos, B., Azcárraga, J., Puelles, P., 1999. Deformation, high‐pressure metamorphism and exhumation of ultramafic rocks in a deep subduction/collision setting (Cabo Ortegal, NW Spain). Journal Metamorphic Geology 17, 747–764. peridotite, deformation, petrology, garnet harzburgite, Ti-clinohumite

Galán, G., Marcos, A., 1999. The high-pressure granulites of the Bacariza Formation: an earlier stage in the exhumation of other eclogites in the Cabo Ortegal Complex (Hecynian belt, NW Spain). Trabajos de Geología 21, 141-159. high-P granulites, Bacariza granulites


Galán, G., Marcos, A., 2000. The metamorphic evolution of the high pressure mafic granulites of the Bacariza Formation (Cabo Ortegal Complex, Hercynian belt, NW Spain). Lithos 54, 139–171. high-P granulites, Bacariza granulites, petrology

Ordóñez Casado, B., Gebauer, D., Schäfer, H.J., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Peucat, J.J., 2001. A single Devonian subduction event for the HP/HT metamorphism of the Cabo Ortegal complex within the Iberian Massif. Tectonophysics 332, 359–385. isotopic dating

Moreno, T., Gibbons, W., Prichard, H.M., Lunar, R., 2001. Platiniferous chromitite and the tectonic setting of ultramafic rocks in Cabo Ortegal, NW Spain. JGS 158, 601–614. mantle, chromitite

Azcárraga, J., Ábalos, B., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 2002. On the relationship between kilometer-scale sheath folds, ductile thrusts and minor structures in the basal high-pressure units of the Cabo Ortegal complex (NW Spain). Journal of Structural Geology 24, 1971–1989. deformation, tectonic model

Fernández-Suárez, J., Corfu, F., Arenas, R., Marcos, A., Martínez Catalán, J., García, F., Abati, J., Fernández, F., 2002. U-Pb evidence for a polyorogenic evolution of the HP-HT units of the NW Iberian Massif. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 143, 236–253. isotopic dating

Santos, J.F., Schärer, U., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Girardeau, J., 2002. Genesis of Pyroxenite-rich Peridotite at Cabo Ortegal (NW Spain): Geochemical and Pb–Sr–Nd Isotope Data. Journal of Petrology 43, 17–43. mantle, pyroxenite, geochemistry, isotopic dating, chromitites

Ábalos, B., Puelles, P., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 2003. Structural assemblage of high‐pressure mantle and crustal rocks in a subduction channel (Cabo Ortegal, NW Spain). Tectonics 22, 2002TC001405. deformation, tectonic model

Llana-Fúnez, S., Marcos, A., Galán, G., Fernández, F.J., 2004. Tectonic thinning of a crust slice at high pressure and high temperature by ductile-slab breakoff (Cabo Ortegal Complex, northwest Spain). Geology 32, 453. tectonic model

Puelles, P., Ábalos, B., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 2005. Metamorphic evolution and thermobaric structure of the subduction-related Bacariza high-pressure granulite formation (Cabo Ortegal Complex, NW Spain). Lithos 84, 125–149. high-P granulites, Bacariza granulites, petrology

Llana-Fúnez, S., Marcos, A., Kunze, K., 2005. Strain geometry in Concepenido eclogites during widespread HP deformation (Cabo Ortegal Complex, NW Spain). Tectonophysics 401, 198–216. eclogites, CPO, deformation

Puelles, P., Mulchrone, K.F., Ábalos, B., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 2005. Structural analysis of high-pressure shear zones (Bacariza Formation, Cabo Ortegal, NW Spain). Journal of Structural Geology 27, 1046–1060. high-P granulites, Bacariza granulites, deformation

Puelles, P., Ábalos, B., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 2007. Microstructural evidences for thermal runaway and deep palaeoseismic activity (Cabo Ortegal, NW Spain). Terra Nova 19, 219–224. deformation, palaeosismicity

Pereira, M.D., Peinado, M., Blanco, J.A., Yenes, M., 2008. Geochemical characterization of serpentinites at Cabo Ortegal, northwestern Spain. The Canadian Mineralogist 46, 317–327. mantle, serpentinites

Brown, D., Llana-Funez, S., Carbonell, R., Alvarez-Marron, J., Marti, D., Salisbury, M., 2009. Laboratory measurements of P-wave and S-wave velocities across a surface analog of the continental crust–mantle boundary: Cabo Ortegal, Spain. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 285, 27–38. seismic properties

Puelles, P., Ábalos, B., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 2009. Transposed high-pressure granulite fabrics (Cabo Ortegal, NW Spain): Implications on the scales of deformation localization. Journal of Structural Geology 31, 776–790. high-P granulites, Bacariza granulites, deformation

Schmidt, A., Weyer, S., John, T., Brey, G.P., 2009. HFSE systematics of rutile-bearing eclogites: New insights into subduction zone processes and implications for the earth’s HFSE budget. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 455–468. eclogites


Ábalos, B., Fountain, D.M., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Puelles, P., 2011. Eclogite as a seismic marker in subduction channels: Seismic velocities, anisotropy, and petrofabric of Cabo Ortegal eclogite tectonites (Spain). Geological Society of America Bulletin 123, 439–456. eclogite, seismic properties, CPO

Albert, R., Arenas, R., Sánchez-Martínez, S., Gerdes, A., 2012. The eclogite facies gneisses of the Cabo Ortegal Complex (NW Iberian Massif): Tectonothermal evolution and exhumation model. Journal of Iberian Geology 38, 389–406. high-P gneiss, banded gneiss

Llana-Funez, S., Brown, D., 2012. Contribution of crystallographic preferred orientation to seismic anisotropy across a surface analog of the continental Moho at Cabo Ortegal, Spain. Geological Society of America Bulletin 124, 1495–1513. seismic properties, CPO

Puelles, P., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Beranoaguirre, A., Ábalos, B., 2012. Mantle wedge deformation recorded by high-temperature peridotite fabric superposition and hydrous retrogression (Limo massif, Cabo Ortegal, NW Spain). Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) 101, 1835–1853. mantle, petrology, PTt

Albert, R., Arenas, R., Gerdes, A., Sánchez Martínez, S., Marko, L., 2015. Provenance of the HP – HT subducted margin in the Variscan belt (Cabo Ortegal Complex, NW Iberian Massif). Journal Metamorphic Geology 33, 959–979. banded gneiss, dating

Fernández, F.J., Llana-Fúnez, S., Valverde-Vaquero, P., Marcos, A., Castiñeiras, P., 2016. Insights on high-grade deformation in quartzo-feldspathic gneisses during the early Variscan exhumation of the Cabo Ortegal nappe, NW Iberia. Solid Earth 7, 579–598. high-P gneiss, banded gneiss, deformation, CPO, PTt

Tilhac, R., Ceuleneer, G., Griffin, W.L., O’Reilly, S.Y., Pearson, N.J., Benoit, M., Henry, H., Girardeau, J., Grégoire, M., 2016. Primitive Arc Magmatism and Delamination: Petrology and Geochemistry of Pyroxenites from the Cabo Ortegal Complex, Spain. J. Petrology 57, 1921–1954. mantle, pyroxenites, petrology, geochemistry

Tilhac, R., Grégoire, M., O’Reilly, S.Y., Griffin, W.L., Henry, H., Ceuleneer, G., 2017. Sources and timing of pyroxenite formation in the sub-arc mantle: Case study of the Cabo Ortegal Complex, Spain. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 474, 490–502. mantle, pyroxenite, dating, geochemistry

Henry, H., Tilhac, R., Griffin, W.L., O’Reilly, S.Y., Satsukawa, T., Kaczmarek, M.-A., Grégoire, M., Ceuleneer, G., 2017. Deformation of mantle pyroxenites provides clues to geodynamic processes in subduction zones: Case study of the Cabo Ortegal Complex, Spain. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 472, 174–185. mantle, pyroxenites, deformation, CPO


Beranoaguirre, A., García De Madinabeitia, S., Sanchez Lorda, M.E., Puelles, P., Ábalos, B., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 2020. U-Pb, Hf isotope and REE constraints on high-pressure acid migmatites from the Cabo Ortegal Complex (NW Spain): New evidence of short-duration metamorphism in a Variscan subduction channel. Lithos 372–373, 105660. high-P granulites, Bacariza granulites, isotopic dating

Tilhac, R., Oliveira, B., Griffin, W.L., O’Reilly, S.Y., Schaefer, B.F., Alard, O., Ceuleneer, G., Afonso, J.C., Grégoire, M., 2020. Reworking of old continental lithosphere: Unradiogenic Os and decoupled Hf Nd isotopes in sub-arc mantle pyroxenites. Lithos 354–355, 105346.

Novo‐Fernández, I., Albert, R., Arenas, R., Garcia‐Casco, A., Díez Fernández, R., Sánchez Martínez, S., Gerdes, A., De Capitani, C., 2020. Reconstruction of the prograde PT history of high‐ P migmatitic paragneisses via melt‐reintegration approach and thermodynamic modelling (Allochthonous Complexes, NW Iberian Massif). Journal Metamorphic Geology 38, 629–653.

Beranoaguirre, A., Garcia De Madinabeitia, S., Sanchez-Lorda, M.E., Puelles, P., Abalos, B., Gil-Ibarguchi, J.I., 2022. Geochemical dataset of high-pressure acid migmatites from the Cabo Ortegal Complex (NW Spain). Data in Brief 40, 107823. high-P granulites, Bacariza granulites, thermobarometry, geochemistry

Beranoaguirre, A., Ábalos, B., García De Madinabeitia, S., Paquette, J.-L., Pin, C., Sánchez Lorda, M.E., Santos Zalduegui, J.F., Puelles, P., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 2022. Geochronological record of Cadomian exterior orogen reworking in bi-modal igneous protoliths of the Cabo Ortegal Allochthon (NW Iberia): the Cambrian onset of the Palaeozoic plate-tectonic cycle. International Geology Review 66, 310–335. isotopic dating

Borisova, E.B., Baltybaev, Sh.K., Connolly, J.A.D., 2022. Staurolite in Metabasites: P–T–X Parameters and the Ratios of Major Components as Criteria of Staurolite Stability. Petrology 30, S53–S71.

Spránitz, T., Padrón‐Navarta, J.A., Szabó, C., Szabó, Á., Berkesi, M., 2022. Abiotic passive nitrogen and methane enrichment during exhumation of subducted rocks: Primary multiphase fluid inclusions in high‐pressure rocks from the Cabo Ortegal Complex, NW Spain. Journal Metamorphic Geology 40, 1291–1319. mantle, high-P granulites, eclogites, fluid inclusion

Spránitz, T., Szabó, C., Gilio, M., Alvaro, M., Blažeková, M., Konečný, P., Váczi, T., Berkesi, M., 2023. Estimation of P-T entrapment conditions of a subduction fluid using elastic thermobarometry: A case study from Cabo Ortegal Complex, Spain. Lithos 448–449, 107171. high-P granulites, Bacariza granulites, thermobarometry

Novo-Fernández, I., Albert, R., Arenas, R., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Sánchez Martínez, S., Gerdes, A., Díez Fernández, R., Beranoaguirre, A., Garcia-Casco, A., 2025. P-T evolution and refined U Pb geochronology of the giant eclogite layer of the Cabo Ortegal complex (NW Iberian Massif). Lithos 107952. eclogites, isotopic dating, PTt

Non-English papers, memoirs or chapters

Vogel, D. E., 1967. Las rocas catazonales de la región de Cabo Ortegal. Leidse Geologische Mededelingen, 36(1), 243–254.

Vogel, D.E., Engels, J.P., den Tex, E. 1984. El complejo de Cabo Ortegal. Geología de España Tomo I: Libro Jubilar J.M. Ríos 440-449. high-P units

Marcos, A., Marquínez, J., Pérez-Estaún, A., Pulgar, J.A., Bastida, F. 1984. Nuevas aportaciones al conocimiento de la evolución tectonometamórfica del Complejo de Cabo Ortegal (NW de España). Cuadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe, 7, 125-137.

Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Ábalos, B., Campillo, A., Higuero, A., López, B., Pinilla, V., Rodríguez C., Rodríguez, R. Urtiaga, K., 1987. Asociaciones con granate-clinopiroxeno en la “unidad catazonal superior” del Complejo de Cabo Ortegal. Cuadernos del Laboratorio Geológico de Laxe, 12: 165-181.

Basterra, R., Cassi, J.M., Pérez San Roman, L., Tascón, A., and Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 1989. Evolución metamórfica de las rocas pelíticas y semipelíticas de las formaciones “Banded Gneisses” y “Gneises de Cariño” (Cabo Ortegal, NW España): Studia Geologica Salmanticensia 4, p. 131–144. high-P gneiss, petrology

Girardeau, J., Gil Ibarguchi, José I., Ben Jamaa, N., 1990. Les peridotites et pyroxenites du complexe catazonal du Cabo Ortegal. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe 15, 227-256 peridotites, pyroxenites, deformation, CPO

Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Girardeau, J., 1991. El complejo de Cabo Ortegal. Investigación y Ciencia, 180, 6-14.

Azcárraga, J. y Ábalos, B., 1996. Comportamiento reológico de la Formación Candelaria y la Zona de Movimiento Tectónico de Carreiro (Cabo Ortegal, NO de España) durante el metamorfismo sintectónico eo-Hercínico de grado medio y alto. Boletín Geológico y Minero, 107: 125-144.

Valverde Vaquero, P., Fernández, F.J., 1996. Edad de enfriamiento U/Pb en rutilos del Gneis de Chímparra (Cabo Ortegal, NO de España). Geogaceta 20, 475-478 high-P gneiss, Chímparra gneiss, dating

Fernández, F.J., Marcos, A., 1997. Datos Geoquímicos de los gneises de Chímparra y consideraciones sobre el Origen de los gneises cuarzofeldespáticos del complejo de Cabo Ortegal (NW de España). Conference: XIV Reunião de Geologia do Oeste Peninsula high-P gneiss, Chímparra gneiss, geochemistry

Azcárraga, J. y Ábalos, B., 1997. Estructura y cinemática de la Zona de Movimiento Tectónico de Carreiro y unidades adyacentes, Cabo Ortegal (NO de España). Geogaceta, 22: 27-30.

Ábalos, B., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I. y Azcárraga, J., 1998. Análisis petroestructural de las peridotitas asociadas a la Zona de Movimiento Tectónico de Carreiro (Complejo de Cabo Ortegal, NO de España). Boletín Geológico y Minero, 109: 53-68.

Moreno, T., Lunar, R., Prichard, H.M., Gibbons, W., 2000. Caracterización geoquímica y distribución de la mineralización de Cr y EGP en los macizos ultramáficos de Cabo Ortegal (NO España). Geotemas, 1, 4, 47-50

Puelles, P., Ábalos, B., y Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 2001. Rasgos estructurales de la formación granulítica de alta presión de la Bacariza (Cabo Ortegal, NO España). Geogaceta 30: 115-118.

Mendía, M., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Ábalos, B. 2001. Evolución metamórfica P-T-d-t- y significado geodinámico de la unidad eclogítica del complejo de Cabo Ortegal (NO de España). Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe 26, 155-178 eclogites, petrology

García Izquierdo, B., Lunar, R. and Capote, R., 2002. Difusión de Al-Cr en espinelas durante la deformación en rocas ultramáficas de los complejos de Cabo Ortegal (NO de España) y de Bragança (NE de Portugal). Bol. Soc. Esp. Min., 25A: 37-44.

Puelles, P., Ábalos, B. y Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 2003. Organización interna de unidades de alta presión en dominios tectónicos profundos (Complejo de Cabo Ortegal, NO España). Geogaceta 34: 3-6.

Ábalos, B., Grassi, K.G., Fountain, D.M., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 2004. Geología Estructural, Petrofábrica y Petrofísica de las Eclogitas de Cabo Ortegal (NO de España). Serie Nova Terra 24. seismic properties, deformation

Mendia, M., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 2005. Petrografía y condiciones de formación de las rocas ultramáficas con granate asociadas a las eclogitas de Cabo Ortegal. Geogaceta 37, 31-34.

Puelles, P., Ábalos, B. y Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., 2006. Ultramilonitas de apariencia fluidal, pseudotaquilitas o algo intermedio? (Formación Bacariza, Cabo Ortegal). Geogaceta: 40: 111-114.

Puelles, P. y Ábalos, B., 2008. Fábricas sin-metamórficas, mecanismos y régimen de la deformación en las granulitas de alta presión de Cabo Ortegal (NO España). Geogaceta: 45: 15-18.

Fernández, F.J., 2009. Fábricas sin-metamórficas, mecanismos y régimen de la deformación en las granulitas de alta presión de Cabo Ortegal (NO de España): Comentario. Geogaceta, 46, 175-176.

Puelles, P. y Ábalos, B., 2009. Fábricas sin-metamórficas, mecanismos y régimen de la deformación en las granulitas de alta presión de Cabo Ortegal (NO España): Réplica. Geogaceta: 46: 177-178.

Puelles, P., 2009. Fábricas y mecanismos deformacionales en las granulitas de alta presión de la Formación Bacariza (Complejo de Cabo Ortegal, NO España). Boletín Geológico y Minero, 120: 31-44.

García Izquierdo, B., Capote, R., Lunar López, R. 2011. La fábrica del olivino y las condiciones de la deformación de las rocas ultramáficas del Macizo de Herbeira (Cabo Ortegal, NO del Macizo Ibérico). Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España 24, 135-151 mantle, CPO

Spránitz, T., Szabó, C., Józsa, S., Berkesi, M., 2021. Retrográd metamorfózishoz kapcsolódó fluidumok egy variszkuszi szubdukciós csatornában: fluidumzárvány-vizsgálatok a Cabo Ortegal Komplexum ultrabázisos kőzeteiben. Földt. Közl. 151, 121.


Marcos, A., Farias, P., Galán, G., Fernández, F.J., Llana-Fúnez, S., 2002. Tectonic framework of the Cabo Ortegal Complex: A slab of lower crust exhumed in the Variscan orogen (northwestern Iberian Peninsula), in: Variscan-Appalachian Dynamics: The Building of the Late Paleozoic Basement. Geological Society of America. high-P units, deformation, tectonic model

García-Tudela, M., Proenza, J.A., Farré-de-Pablo, J., Pujol-Solà, N., Aiglsperger, T., Castillo-Oliver, M., Colás, V., Arenas, R., Garcia-Casco, A., 2024. The chromitites of the Herbeira massif (Cabo Ortegal Complex, Spain) revisited. Ore Geology Reviews 170, 106109. mantle, chromitites

Doctoral and master thesis

Ben Jamaa, N. (1988) Les peridotites de Bay of Islands (terre Neuve) et de Cap Ortegal (Espagne): approche petro-structurale. Thése Univ. Paris VII; 245 pp. mantle, peridotites

Monterrubio Pérez, S. (1991). Mineralizaciones asociadas a rocas ultrabásicas en el Hercínico español. PhD thesis, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. mantle, chromitites

Laribi-Halimi, A (1992). Relations géochimiques dans les péridotites et pyroxénites du Cabo Ortegal (Espagne): Application de l'analyse par activation neutronique. Thése, Univ. Paris VI - I.P.G.P., 144 pp. mantle, peridotite, pyroxenites

Gravestock, P.J. (1992) The chemical causes of uppermost mantle heterogeneities. PhD Thesis, The Open Univ., 299 pp. mantle, geochemistry

Santos Zalduegui, J.F. (1995) Geocronología y geoquímica isotópica de diferentes unidades de los complejos alóctonos de Cabo Ortegal y Malpica-Tuy (NO de España). Serie Nova Terra 11 (PhD thesis, Univ. del País Vasco, Bilbao, 340 pp. presented in 1994). high-P units, dating

Fernández, F.J. (1997) Estructuras desarrolladas en gneises bajo condiciones de alta P y T (Gneises de Chímparra, Cabo Ortegal, A Coruña, Galicia, España). Serie Nova Terra 13, 249 pp. (PhD thesis, Univ. de Oviedo, Oviedo, presented in 1993). high-P gneisses, Chímparra gneiss, deformation, petrology

Ordoñez Casado, B. (1998) Geochronological studies of the Pre-Mesozoic basement of the Iberian Massif: the Ossa Morena zone and the Allocthonous Complexes within the Central Iberian zone. PhD Thesis, Dissertation. Eidgenössische Technische Hoschschule, Zürich, Switzerland, no. 12940, 235 pp. high-P units, dating

Moreno, T. (1999). Platinum-group elements and chromite mineralization in ultramafic rocks: a case study from the Cabo Ortegal Complex, NW Spain. PhD thesis, Cardiff University, 224. mantle, chromitites

Mendía, M. S. (2000) Petrología de la unidad eclogítica del Complejo de Cabo Ortegal (NW de España). Serie Nova Terra 16, 424 pp. (PhD thesis, Univ. del País Vasco, Bilbao, 463 pp. presented in 1996). eclogites, deformation, petrology, thermobarometry

Azcárraga, J. (2000) Evolución tectónica y metamórfica de los mantos inferiores de grado alto y alta presión del Complejo de Cabo Ortegal. Serie Nova Terra 17, xx pp. (PhD thesis, Univ. del País Vasco, Bilbao, 463 pp. presented in 1998). high-P units, Candelaria & Agüdo granulites, deformation, Carreiro shear zone

Puelles Olarte P. (2004) Deformación, metamorfismo y exhumación de las granulitas de alta presión de la Bacariza (Complejo de Cabo Ortegal, NO España). Serie Nova Terra 23, 411 pp. (PhD thesis, Univ. del País Vasco, Bilbao) high-P granulites, Bacariza granulites, deformation, petrology, thermobarometry

García Izquierdo B. (2011) Evolución geodinámica y procesos mantélicos en el Macizo de Herbeira complejo de Cabo Ortegal (NO de la Península Ibérica). Serie Nova Terra 39, 361 pp. (PhD thesis, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid presented in 2005). mantle, peridotites, petrology, deformation, CPO, model

Beranoaguirre (2016) Development of new analytical procedures of isotope geochemistry by mass spectrometry. Application to the study of high-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Iberian Massif. PhD thesis, Universidad del País Vasco.

Albert, R. (2017) The Eclogitic Gneisses of the Cabo Ortegal Complex: Provenance and tectonothermal evolution. Serie Nova Terra 48, 335 pp. (PhD thesis, Univ. Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, presented in 2016). high-P gneiss, banded gneisses, provenance

Tilhac, R. (2017) Petrology and geochemistry of Pyroxenites from the Cabo Ortegal Complex, Spain. PhD thesis, Macquarie University, 230 pp. mantle, pyroxenites, petrology, geochemistry

Henry, H. (2018). Mantle Pyroxenites: Deformation and Seismic Properties. Earth Sciences. Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier (UT3 Paul Sabatier) CPO, pyroxenites, peridotites

Master thesis

Fernández Rodríguez, F. J., 1990. Estudio geológico de la Península de Masanteo, Cabo Ortegal (La Coruña). Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad de Oviedo, 44 pp. + mapas Banded gneises

Hillner U. (1995) I. Die Geologie der Basalen Ophiolith-Einheit am Westrand des Cabo Ortegal Komplexes in Galizien, NW-Spaninen. II. Kontrastierende Druck-Temperatur-Entwicklungen basaler Kristallindecken am Westrand des Cabo Ortegal Komplexes in Galizen, NW-Spanien. Unveröffentlichte Diplomarbeit an der Christian Albrechts Universität zu Kiel, 137pp.

Grassi, K.G. (1996) Seismic velocities, anisotropy and shear wave splitting in deformed eclogites. Unpublished Ms. Sci. Thesis, University of Wyoming, 78 pp. eclogites, seismic properties

García Tudela, M.A. (2020) Mineralogía y Geoquímica de las Cromititas del Complejo Cabo Ortegal, NW del Macizo Ibérico. MSc Thesis, Univ. Barcelona, 27 pp. chromitites

Mohamed Mohamed, B. (2024) Evolución tectonotermal de piroxenitas con granate del macizo ultramáfico rico en cromititas de Herbeira. MSc Thesis, Univ. Complutense, Madrid, 46 pp. pyroxenites

Geological Maps and field guides

Fernández Pompa, F., Monteserín López, V. 1972. Mapa geológico de la Hoja nº 7 (Cedeira). Mapa Geológico de España E. 1:50.000. Segunda Serie (MAGNA), Primera edición. IGME. Depósito Legal: M-37.594-1976

Fernández Pompa, F., Fernández-Martínez, F. 1974. Mapa geológico de la Hoja nº 1 (Cariño). Mapa Geológico de España E. 1:50.000. Segunda Serie (MAGNA), Primera edición. IGME. Depósito Legal: M-848 -1977

Bastida F., Marcos A., Marquínez J., Martínez Catalán J.R., Pérez-Estaún A., Pulgar J.A., 1984. Mapa Geológico y Memoria de la Hoja nº 1 (La Coruña). Mapa Geológico de España E. 1:200.000, ITGE, 155 pp. Depósito Legal: M-21.597-1984

Abalos, B., Azcárraga, J., Gil Ibarguchi, J. I., Mendia, M., Puelles, P., 2000. A new geological map of the high-grade/high-pressure allochthonous units of the Cabo Ortegal Complex (NW Spain). In: Variscan-Appalachian Dynamics: the Building of the Upper Paleozoic Basement. Basement Tectonics 15, La Coruña, Spain, Abstract Volume, pp. 183-184.

Ábalos, B., Azcárraga, J., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Mendia, M. and Puelles, P., 2000. Mapa Geológico del Complejo de Cabo Ortegal (NO de España). Mapa desplegable de 68 x 58 cm y memoria explicativa de 60 p. Instituto Universitario de Xeoloxía Isidro Parga Pondal.

Field guides

Vogel, D. E., 1967. Excursions in the catazonal rock complexes of the polyorogenic terrain of Cabo Ortegal (NW Spain). Leidse Geologische Mededelingen, 40(1), 75–78.

Lunar, R., Capote, R., Izquierdo, B.G., Monterrubio, S., Moreno, T., Gibbons, W., Prichard, H., Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Ábalos, B., Puelles, P., Santos Zalduegui, J.F., Meireles, C., Pereira, E., Castro, P.G., Ribeiro, A.A.R., Santos, J.F. and Munhá, J.M.U., 2004. Cr-PGE mineralization, petrology and tectonics of the Allochthonous Complexes of NW Spain and Portugal. Pre-Congress Field Trip Guide Book - B04. 32nd International Geological Congress. Florence (Italy, August 20-28), 48 págs.

Tilhac R., Lopez-Sanchez, M. A., Llana-Fúnez, S. & Padrón-Navarta, J. A., 2024. Field guide to the mantle section of the Cabo Ortegal Complex. Available from

This compilation has been made possible thanks to funding from the Government of the Principality of Asturias and the Foundation for the Promotion of Applied Research in Asturias (FICYT) (grant SV-PA-21-AYUD/2021/57163) under the Asturias Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation 2018-2022 (PCTI-Asturias).

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